


adopted at the annual general meeting,

held in the town of Sofia on




/1/ The Organization shall be a legal entity, separate from its members, established in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Non-Profit Legal Entities, the Statute and the Decision of the Constituent Assembly.

/2/ The Organization shall be liable for its obligations with its property.

/3/ The members of the Organization shall not be liable for the obligations of the Organization.

/4/ The members shall be responsible for the payment of dues.


Article 2. /1/ The name of the Organization shall be “Naturalistichno”.

/2/ The name of the Organization shall be written in Cyrillic as follows: “Натуралистично”.

/3/ The name of the Organization, together with an indication of its registered office, address, the court where the association is registered, the court registration number and the BULSTAT number, shall be indicated in the association’s correspondence documents.

/4/ The Organization shall have no branches.

/5/ The name of the branches of the Organization (where there are any) shall be formed by adding to the name of the organization the indication “branch” and the locality where the seat of the branch is located. The name of the branch may be accompanied by an indication of its object.

Seat and address

Art. 3. The seat of the Organization shall be in the city of Sofia, Republic of Bulgaria, and its address is at Sofia, ul. 7A, Khan Krum Str., Sofia.


4. The Organization is not limited by a term or any other termination condition.

Definition of the activity

Art.5./1/ The Organization shall carry out activities for public benefit within the meaning of Article 2 of the Law on Public Benefit.

/2/ The Organization may not be transformed into a non-profit legal entity for the purpose of carrying out activities for private benefit.

Article.6./1/ The objectives of the Organization are:

  1. Main objective: to protect, maintain and improve the environment and develop better living conditions for the population in sustainable and environmentally friendly ways, and make a positive and significant social impact through the establishment and development of a social enterprise.
  2. To improve the quality of life through the development of organic farming and livestock farming, ecological beekeeping, ecosystem services and biodiversity, ecological construction and sustainable infrastructure, eco-friendly industry, modern and intuitive social services, sustainable agriculture and harmonious landscape planning;
  3. To help build society through the development of education and the level of education of the population;
  4. To promote the development of a sustainable, ecological and environmental culture of the population through activities to protect, maintain and improve biodiversity and achieve ecosystem sustainability;
  5. To stimulate the development of educational and cultural activities to build cultural values of the population;
  6. To promote, create and disseminate cultural values with environmental, conservation and sustainability themes in the visual arts, cinema, theatre, music, architecture, design, literature and folklore;
  7. To support adolescents, young people, the socially disadvantaged and people with special needs;
  8. To raise health awareness and improve health status;
  9. To promote the Republic of Bulgaria to Bulgarian and foreign investors, institutions and organizations to help eliminate unemployment and raise the standard of the local population;
  10. To contribute to the preservation of the natural, cultural, historical and ethnographic heritage and to contribute to the development of the Republic of Bulgaria as an attractive tourist destination;
  11. To organize discussions, seminars, conferences on topical issues of the Republic of Bulgaria in order to form common positions for their solution;
  12. To contribute to the establishment of an effective control system for compliance with Bulgarian and international environmental and social legislation;
  13. To improve contacts and cooperation between NGOs, local authorities, businesses and citizens;
  14. To establish and maintain contacts with national and international organizations in order to promote the ideas of the European Community, to familiarise the population with our rights and obligations as citizens of Europe;
  15. To establish and maintain contacts with national and international organizations in order to build international relations in relation to its activities;
  16. To promote and defend the interests of the members of the Organization;

/2/ The means by which the Organization will achieve its objectives are:

  1. Independently or in cooperation with other organizations, develop and implement projects and programs in the field of sustainable development, ecosystem services and biodiversity, environmental protection, rural development, organic agriculture and animal husbandry, ecological beekeeping, education, health and social assistance, infrastructure and landscape planning, tourism, modern technologies;
  2. Implementation of direct practical actions and policies to protect, maintain and improve the environment, natural resources and biodiversity and achieve ecosystem resilience;
  3. Organizing initiatives and programmes for environmental and sustainable education of an applied and educational nature in educational institutions;
  4. Development of activities related to vocational training and the creation of labour competences and skills of the population;
  5. Development of activities related to the care of pensioners, disadvantaged people and special needs;
  6. Creation of conditions for the development of social entrepreneurship, motivation and encouragement of residents to participate in socially useful activities through voluntary or remunerated work and the provision of intellectual and financial resources in the field of social and health assistance and professional development;
  7. Organizing donation campaigns and promoting the example of donors;
  8. Making contacts and interacting with related organizations in the country and abroad, with state authorities and local government and local administration bodies, as well as with companies and other partners to attract investment and initiate other forms of support for environmental, educational, social, health and cultural events;
  9. Contributing to the integration of biodiversity conservation requirements into the strategies, plans and practices of the main business sectors, as well as to the incorporation of these requirements into the legislation and regulations of the Republic of Bulgaria.
  10. Disseminating information and knowledge and promoting its achievements through public appearances, campaigns, publications and information materials disseminated through print and electronic media, institutions, organisations and individuals;
  11. Build capacity for action by recruiting and sustaining membership through print and electronic publications, projects, campaigns, celebrations and other public appearances, creating and securing a network of local structures, maintaining unity and effectiveness in governance bodies at all levels, increasing the preparation of its members for sustainable social and environmental activities, and for the accompanying actions of organization and management, fundraising and communication;
  12. Ensures financial stability by building a network of sponsors, donation campaigns, special fundraising programs and projects, business activities and other similar activities permitted by law to ensure a steady income of its own funds;
  13. Owning and managing land, forests and protected natural areas where the Protected Areas Act or other law permits;
  14. Investing own and borrowed funds and property in projects and events at home and abroad in connection with the main objectives of the Organization;
  15. Applying for projects and participating in the implementation of projects under national and international programmes related to social entrepreneurship;
  16. employment of disadvantaged people;
  17. attracting, training and recruiting volunteers and full-time professionals needed to fulfil the objectives of the Organization and the social enterprise;
  18. the creation and development of a social enterprise that has as its primary objective the achievement of a measurable, positive social impact, provides services or goods that generate a social return, uses its profits to achieve its primary objective and has in place predetermined procedures and rules regarding any distribution of profits for the benefit of the realisation of its non-profit objectives. The social enterprise is managed in an entrepreneurial, accountable and transparent manner by involving stakeholders affected by its business activities in its governance.

Art.7. The object of the Organization shall be:

/1/ The object of the main non-profit activity is to carry out environmentally sound and sustainable activities for the protection, maintenance and improvement of the environment and the development of the population.

/2/ Subject matter of additional business activities

The Organization may, by decision of the Management Board, carry out additional activities related to the achievement of the aims and objectives set out in this Statute.

/3/ The additional business activity shall have the following object: organization of training activities; qualification and professional training; advertising; consulting; information; commercial; publishing; production; impresario; scientific-methodical; sociological research; organization and conduct of expeditions, green schools and excursions; ecological tourism; production and processing of bee and agricultural products; interior and exterior design; landscape planning and site improvement; conservation and restoration activities; waste and resource management and other activities not prohibited by law, related to the main object of activity.

/4/ The business activities carried out shall be subject to the terms and conditions laid down by the Commercial Act, the Accounting Act and the tax laws.

/5/ The implementation and control of the business activities shall be entrusted to the Board of the Association.

/6/ The individual activities shall be allocated to an internal bank account.

/7/ The association shall not distribute profit. Income from business activities shall be used solely for the achievement of the objectives set out in these Statutes.


Membership rights and obligations

Article 8./1/ Membership in the Association shall be voluntary. Members may be natural or legal persons.

/2/ Any legal entity that shares the objectives of the association and the means to achieve them, fulfils its statutes and pays its membership fee regularly may be a member of the association.

/3/ A member of the association may be any adult person who shares the objectives of the association and the means to achieve them, fulfils its statutes and pays its membership fee regularly.

Art.9. Each member of the association shall have the right:

1. To participate in the activities of the association and in the work of the General Assembly;

To be elected to its governing bodies;
To exercise control over the work of the association and its governing bodies;
To be informed about the activities of the association;
To benefit from the property of the association and the results of its activities.

Art.10.  Each member of the association shall:

1. 1;

To observe the Statutes of the Association and to work for the achievement of its objectives;

To work for the increase of the property of the association and the elevation of its public authority.
Art. 11. The rights and obligations of membership shall be non-transferable and shall not pass to other persons in the event of death or termination of membership. The exercise of membership rights may be conferred on another by a power of attorney notarised.

Acquisition of membership

Art. 12. Members of the Association shall be admitted by the General Assembly. Applicants shall submit a written application to the Board of Directors, which shall examine the application within a period of one month and submit the application to the General Assembly. Members shall be admitted by open vote and simple majority.

Termination of membership

Article 13./1/ Membership shall be terminated:

By unilateral declaration to the association;
/2/. By death or placement under total disability;
By failure to pay the membership fee by the beginning of the following calendar year;
With the termination of the legal entity – member of the association;
With expulsion;.
With the termination of the activity of the association.
/2/ The termination of membership shall take place by virtue of a decision of the General Assembly.
/3/ Upon termination of membership, the property relations between the former member or his successors and the association shall be settled after the adoption of the annual accounts by the General Assembly. In the event of unpaid debts of the former member to the association, set-off shall be made against his claims from the association.
/4/ The decision for expulsion shall be taken by the Board of Directors of the Association in case of actions contrary to the laws of the Republic of Bulgaria or to these Statutes. The expulsion decision may be appealed to the General Assembly of the Association.


Art. 14. /1/ The property of the Association shall consist of the right of ownership and other property rights over fixed and working capital, property contributions from the members, receivables and other rights depending on the regulations in force.

/2/ The property of the Association shall serve for its maintenance and for the achievement of its objectives.

/3/ The Association generates its income from membership fees, donations from Bulgarian and foreign institutions, foundations and citizens, sponsorship from companies and other organizations in the country and abroad, additional business activities, bank loans granted on purpose for the implementation of the main objectives of the Association, from shares and securities, funds received from approved projects under various programs to various funds and other ways not prohibited by law.

/4/ As a legal entity, the Association may own buildings, equipment and machinery, other property rights, intellectual property, shares and securities necessary to secure the activities provided for in the Statutes; to use such property and rights for their intended purpose, as well as to dispose of them in the interest of the Association.

/5/ The donations shall be recorded in a specially designed book with the names of the donors. During each accounting period the Board shall give a written account to the donors of the amount and manner of spending of the funds from their donations.

/6/ All members of the Association shall be obliged to make financial contributions in the form of membership fees. The minimum amount of the membership fee shall be BGN 24 /twenty-four/ for natural persons and BGN 48 /forty-eight/ for legal entities and shall be paid annually. The deadline for payment of the membership fee shall be the 10th of the month following the month in which the membership fee has expired. Interest shall be due on the overdue membership fee equal to the basic interest rate set by the BNB.

/7/ By decision of the General Assembly, the members of the Association may make earmarked contributions for the achievement of a specific purpose defined by the Statutes or by decision of the General Assembly. In its decision, the General Assembly shall determine the purpose, the amount and the manner of collection of the contributions. The decision shall be taken by a 2/3 majority of the members of the association.

/8/ The members of the association may provide it with money in the form of a loan or real estate and individually determined movable property for rent.

/9/ The income generated in accordance with the preceding paragraphs may not be distributed among the members of the association and shall be used solely for its maintenance and for the fulfilment of its statutory tasks.

Art. 15. /1/ The Association may, free of charge, expend property and carry out activities aimed at achieving the objectives defined in accordance with these Statutes.

/2/ The selection of the persons and the manner of their support by the association shall be carried out depending on the purpose and financial possibilities of the non-profit legal entity.

/3/ For the free of charge expenditure of the property of the association a reasoned decision taken by the general assembly of the association with a majority of 2/3 of all its members is necessary, when it is for the benefit of:

persons of its other bodies and their spouses, their relatives in the direct line – without limitation, in the consanguineous line – up to the fourth degree, or in the consanguineous line – up to the second degree inclusive;
persons who were members of its governing bodies up to 2 years before the date of the decision;
legal persons who have financed the organisation up to 3 years before the date of the decision;
legal entities in which the persons referred to in points 1 and 2 are directors or are in a position to impose or impede decision-making;
political parties in the management and control bodies of which members of the management and control bodies of non-profit legal entities participate.
/4/ The Association may not conclude transactions with the persons referred to in par. 3, item 1, as well as with legal entities in which the said persons are managers or may impose or impede decision-making, unless the transactions are for the obvious benefit of the association or are concluded on general terms, publicly announced.


Governing bodies

Art.16. The governing bodies of the Association shall be:

The General Assembly
The Governing Board
Board of Trustees
Art.17./1/ The supreme body shall be the General Assembly of the Association and shall consist of all its members. Each member of the Association shall have the right to vote in the GA, unless he/she is admitted by a decision of the Board and the decision is subject to approval by the GA.

/2/ Members – legal entities shall be represented in the General Assembly by their legal representatives or an expressly authorized person.

/3/ Only a natural person may be a proxy of a legal or natural person.

/4/ Proxies are issued expressly for participation in the General Meeting of the Association and may be issued for a limited or unlimited number of meetings of the Meeting.

/5/ Proxies may not sub-delegate their rights to third parties.

/6/ Proxies may represent only one member at the General Meeting.

Convocation of the General Meeting

Art. 18 /1/. The General Assembly shall be convened at least twice a year. Ordinary annual General Meetings shall be held:

by the end of March – the first regular meeting;
by the end of November, the second ordinary meeting;
/2/ The General Assembly shall be convened in extraordinary meetings when exceptional or extraordinary circumstances so require, at the written request of 1/ 3 part of the members of the Association.

/3/ The General Meeting /GM/ shall be convened by the Board of Directors or at the request of 1/3 of the members of the Association. If in the latter case the Board does not within one month of the request to convene issue a written invitation to the members, it shall be convened by the Court at the written request of the members concerned or a person authorised by them.

/4/ The invitation shall contain the agenda, the date, time and place of the General Meeting and on whose initiative it is convened. The invitation shall be published on the official website of the Association – , on social media and on the announcement place in the building where the Association has its registered office, at least one month before the scheduled day of the meeting. The materials on the agenda for the meeting shall be made available to the members of the Association at least one month prior to the scheduled day and up to the date of convening the General Assembly.


Art. 19. The meeting shall be regular when more than half of the members /or persons authorized for that purpose/ are present. If the requisite majority is not present, the meeting shall be adjourned for one hour later with the same agenda and shall be deemed lawful irrespective of the number of members present.

Art. 20:

a/ amend and supplement the Statutes

b/ adopt other internal acts;

c/ approve the programme and the Statutes of the Association;

d/ elects and dismisses the members of the Board of Directors and the President of the Board.

e/ admit and expel members;

f/ take decisions on opening and closing branches;

g/ decides on the transformation or dissolution of the Association;

h/ adopt the main guidelines and programme for the activities of the association;

/ adopt the budget of the association;

k/ decides on the amount of membership fees or property contributions;

l/ adopt the Board’s report for the past period and adopt the programme for the next period.

m/ repeal decisions of other bodies of the association that contradict the law, the statutes or other internal acts regulating the activities of the association;

n/ take other decisions provided for in the Statutes.

/2/ The decisions referred to in Paragraph 1, points “a”, “c”, “g”, “i”, “l”, and “m” may not be assigned to other bodies of the association.

/3/ The decisions of the General Assembly shall be binding on the other bodies of the association.

/4/ The decisions of the General Assembly shall be subject to judicial review as to their legality and compliance with the Statutes.

/5/ Decisions of the bodies of the association, which are taken in contradiction with the law, the statutes or a previous decision of the General Assembly, may be challenged before the General Assembly at the request of the interested members of the association or its body, made within one month from the date of their knowledge, but not later than one year from the date of the decision.

/6/ The disputes referred to in paragraph 4 may be raised before the court of registration of the association by any member of the association or of a body thereof, or by the public prosecutor within one month of becoming aware of them, but not later than one year from the date of the decision.


Article 21./1/ Each member of the General Assembly shall be entitled to one vote.

/2/ A member of the General Assembly shall not be entitled to vote on matters concerning:

him/her, his/her spouse or relatives by direct descent- without limitation, by consanguinity – up to the fourth degree or by affinity – up to and including the second degree.

2. Legal entities in which he/she is a manager or can impose or impede decision-making.

/3/ A person may represent not more than three members of the General Assembly on the basis of a written power of attorney. No sub-authorisation shall be permitted


Article 22./1/ Decisions of the GA shall be taken by a majority of those present.

/2/ The decisions referred to in Article 20, paragraph 1, points “a” and “g” shall be taken by a 2/3 majority of the members present. The decisions referred to in Article 20 (e) and (f) shall be taken by a simple majority of all members of the Association.

/3/ No decisions may be taken on matters which have not been previously entered on the agenda and duly publicised. This condition shall not apply in the case of removal of members of the Board and election of new members in their place.

Art. 23. /1/ Minutes of the General Assembly shall be kept in a special book.  Minutes shall be kept as required by law.

/2/ The minutes of the General Meeting shall be signed by the Chairman and the Secretary of the Meeting and by the tellers of the votes.  A list of those present and the documents relating to the convening of the General Meeting shall be attached to the minutes.

/3/ Any member present at the General Meeting shall have the right to demand and to see that the resolutions are accurately recorded in the minutes.

Management Board

Article 24./1/ The Board of Directors shall manage the work of the Association.

/2/ The Management Board shall be directly elected by the General Assembly and shall consist of 3 /three/ members, including the President, who shall have a term of office of 4 /four/ years.

/3/ The members of the Board may be re-elected without limitation.

/4/ The Management Board:

a/ represent the association, as well as determine the scope of the representative power of its individual members;

b/ ensure the implementation of the decisions of the General Assembly;

c/ disposes of the property of the association in compliance with the requirements of the Statutes;

d/ prepares and submits to the GA a draft budget;

e/ prepare and submit to the GA a report on the activities of the association;

f/ determine the order and organize the activities of the association, including those for general benefit and be responsible for it;

g/ determine the address of the association;

h/ take decisions on all matters which by law or by the statutes do not fall within the rights of another body;

perform the duties provided for in the Statutes.

/5/ The meetings of the Board shall be convened and chaired by the President. The Chairperson is obliged to convene a meeting of the Board upon written request of 1/3 of its members. If the Chairperson fails to convene a meeting of the Board within one week, it may be convened by any interested member of the Board. In the absence of the Chairperson, the meeting shall be chaired by a member appointed by the GC.

/6/ The MC may take a decision if more than half of its members are present at the meeting.

/7/ A person present is a person with whom there is a two-way telephone connection ensuring his identity and allowing his participation in the discussion and decision-making.

/8/ Decisions shall be taken by a majority of those present, and decisions under Article 14, paragraph 2 and Article 31, paragraphs 3 and 6 of the UILNC – by a majority of all members.

/9/ The Board may take a decision without holding a meeting if the minutes of the decision are signed without remarks and objections by all members of the Board.

Article 25./1/ The Chairman of the Management Board shall be elected by the General Assembly for a term of 4 /four/ years.

/2/ The Chairman of the Board shall have the right to perform all acts and transactions related to the activities of the Association, to represent it and to authorize other persons to perform certain acts.

/3/ The Chairman of the Management Board shall not be entitled to alienate or encumber any immovable property of the Association unless he is expressly authorized to do so by the Management Board.

/4/ The Chairman of the Management Board :

a/ shall exercise the operational management of the Association;

b/ represent the Association before third parties;

c/ organise the implementation of the auxiliary activities;

d/ convene and chair the meetings of the Board.

/5/ The Association shall be represented before the state institutions, commercial companies and other public and economic organizations by the Chairman of the Board.

Board of Trustees

Article 25a /1/ The Board of Trustees is a body with an advisory and representative function to the social enterprise of the Association, established for the purpose of transparency and accountability, which shall monitor and support the work of the Association in relation to its activities and the achievement of its objectives.

/2/ The trustees may:

– influence the decision-making process in the management of the association by giving opinions on specific issues;

– participate in the activities of the association by submitting proposals to the Governing Board;

– participate in the General Assembly of the Association without voting rights;

– receive information on the same terms as the members of the association.

/3/ Any able-bodied natural person, Bulgarian or foreign citizen, who shares the objectives and activities of the Association and is elected as a representative of a specific group of interested persons, in accordance with the procedure set out in paragraph 4 below, may become a Trustee.

/4/ All stakeholders supported by the Association through their involvement in a project, programme or initiative of the Association shall form separate groups for the protection of their interests before the Association. Each group may be represented in the association by nominating a representative who shall be proposed as a member of the Board of Trustees to the Board of the association and his/her position shall be confirmed by the Board.

/5/ An invitation to participate in the Board of Trustees shall be extended to any person nominated by an interested social group in the manner described above.

/6/ Participation in the Board of Trustees is not time-bound and may be terminated unilaterally, by decision of the Board of Directors of the association, or at the request of the person elected to the position.

/7/ Persons elected to the Board of Trustees shall have no legal functions and no legal rights and obligations in relation to the activities of the association shall arise from their position.

/8/ The association undertakes to provide the Board of Trustees with the necessary facilities for participation in the activities of the association at its discretion and to keep them informed of its activities.


Annual closure documents

Art.26. Annually, by the end of February, the Board of Trustees shall draw up an annual account and an activity report for the past calendar year and submit them to the Accountants.

Contents for the activity report

Art.27. The activity report shall describe the course of business and the state of affairs of the association and explain the annual accounts.

Verification of the annual accounts

Art.28./1/ At the annual closing, the annual accounts shall be audited by one or more accountants on the basis of the accounts and the activity report. Without the verification, the annual accounts may not be accepted

/2/ The purpose of the verification is to establish whether the requirements of the Accounting Act and the Statutes for the annual closure have been complied with

Appointment of the accounting officer

Art.29./1/ Accountants shall be appointed by the General Meeting.

/2/ Where the General Meeting has not elected an accountant by the end of the calendar year, he shall be appointed by the Board.

Adoption of the annual accounts

Art.30. Upon receipt of the accountant’s report, the Board of Directors shall adopt the annual accounts, the accountant’s report and the accountant’s report and pass a resolution to convene an ordinary General Meeting.

Required accounting information

Article 31. /1/ In accordance with the provisions of the Accounting Law, the Association shall prepare accounting information in compliance with the principles of openness, reliability and timeliness.

/2/ The association shall prepare a report on its activities once a year, which must contain data on:

the significant activities, the funds spent on them, their relation to the objectives and programmes of the organisation and the results achieved;
the amount of property donated and income from other fundraising activities;
the type, amount, value and purpose of donations received and made, and details of donors;
4. the financial result.

/3/ The annual activity report and the financial statement of the association shall be submitted on paper or electronically. They shall be public and shall be published in the newsletter and on the website of the central register.

Books of the Association

Article 32 /1/ Minutes shall be kept of the meetings of the General Assembly and of the Board of Directors, recording the discussions, motions and applications made and the decisions taken. The minutes shall be authenticated by the signatures of the chairman of the body concerned and of the secretary and bound in special books. The books shall be kept by the chairman of the body concerned. The members of the association and the members of the Management Board may inspect the contents of the minute books and receive copies or extracts of the minutes.

/2/ The Association shall keep a register of its members, in which shall be recorded the names and addresses of all members, their personal identification number, their profession and occupation, as well as the name, registered office and address of the registered office, the company registration and the BULSTAT of the legal entity members.


Grounds for dissolution

Article.33./1/ The Association shall be dissolved:

by decision of the General Assembly;
by a decision of the court of registration when: it is not established according to the legal procedure; it carries out an activity contrary to the public order and good morals; it is declared bankrupt; if for three months it remains with fewer members than are required according to the Statutes and the Law on Legal Entities.

Art.34. After the dissolution of the Association, liquidation shall be carried out.

/1/ The liquidator shall be obliged to satisfy the creditors of the Association from the available cash, and if this is impossible- by cashing first the movable and then the immovable property of the Association.

/2/ The property may not be transferred in any way to:

the founders and the current and former members;
persons who have been members of its organs and its employees;
the liquidators, except the remuneration due;
the spouses of the persons referred to in points 1 to 3;
the relatives of the persons referred to in points 1 to 3, by direct descent without limitation, by consanguinity up to the fourth degree, or by affinity up to and including the second degree;
legal persons in which the persons referred to in points 1 to 5 are directors or are in a position to impose or impede decision-making.
/3/ The property remaining after the satisfaction of the creditors shall be granted through the court to another Non-Profit Association for carrying out a public benefit activity with the same or similar non-profit purpose or it shall be handed over to the municipality where the seat of the Association is located, which shall grant it for carrying out a public benefit activity similar to the objectives of the dissolved Association.

/4/ If the property is not provided in accordance with paragraph 3, it shall be handed over to the municipality in which the registered office of the dissolved non-profit legal entity is located. The municipality shall be obliged to provide the property for carrying out as close as possible to the objectives of the dissolved non-profit legal entity a public benefit activity.


Art. 35. /1/ The non-profit association “NATURALISTIC” shall have its own emblem and seal;

/2/ The Management Board shall propose the distinctive signs referred to in the preceding paragraph to the General Assembly, which shall adopt them by resolution.


Art.36. Amendments to these Statutes may be made in accordance with the procedure provided for herein and in the Law on Non-Profit Legal Entities.

Art.37. As regards the interpretation or application of the provisions of these Statutes, the provisions of general Bulgarian civil law and the provisions of the Non-Profit Legal Entities Act shall apply.

These Articles of Association were unanimously adopted by all members present at the Annual General Meeting of the non-profit association “Naturalistic” held on 04.01.2020 in the town of The meeting was held on 04.04.2014 in Sofia, Republic of Bulgaria.